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Political Conflict

Political science is the “science of power,” specifically power over people. Politics is a synonym for power. Political conflict by definition is a struggle for power. Political peddlers, or as Thomas Payne calls them, political physicians, prescribe various government systems to control, harness and direct… Read More »Political Conflict


Thoughtful writings from Taylor Johnatakis – J6 Hostage and Author from “Peasants Perspective“   Remember- 2/11/2024  Engraved on the inside of my wedding band is the most powerful word of all, Lembre-Se, which is Portuguese (my wife and I met in Brazil) for REMEMBER. It is… Read More »Remember

Maurices notes from the Sept 3 meeting

Northumberland county schoolsNCSBWatch.org Court of public awakening United States v. Williams, 504 U.S. 36 (1992) Black Robe Regiment Virginia code 48.1 County level grand jury website for public postings Book – Government by consentBook – Virginia handbook for a grand jury (pdf) Quo Warranto – By what authority – cornell Magna  Carta

The LGBTQ+ progressive movement: part of the indoctrination in our schools, everyday lives and prison system

Open Letter on “The New Normal” by Chris Quaglin I have been shocked for years at the ever growing cancer that we call the LGBTQ+ progressive movement that has slowly taken over America. This cancer has created a “new norm” in our everyday lives. I’ve… Read More »The LGBTQ+ progressive movement: part of the indoctrination in our schools, everyday lives and prison system